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Read more for tips to avoiding scams as a student.

Tips for F and M Students to Avoid Scams

November 1, 2013

People across the United States celebrated Halloween yesterday. Even if you did not trick or treat, you need to be aware of “tricks” or scams you could encounter while studying here so you can protect your personal information. Along with the scams to avoid, here is some advice (“tips”) to help you stay safe.

  • Scam: If a stranger gives you misleading information or asks for personal information, it could be an immigration scam.
    • Tip: Only use information from official government resources, like Study in the States. Never give anyone your password, username, etc.
  • Scam: In a phishing scam, a person pretends to be an official source to steal your personal information.
    • Tip: Never e-mail personal information to a stranger.
  • Scam: When applying for a benefit, like working, driving or obtaining a Social Security number, someone may try to steal your personal information.
    • Tip: Only give your personal information to people you trust, and use U.S. government-approved websites and resources to apply for a benefit.
  • Scam: Many schools require students to have health insurance. Some companies may be fraudulent and could attempt to take your information or money.
    • Tip: Work with your designated school official (DSO) when researching your options for approved health insurance packages.
  • Scam: Some commission-based recruiters may tell you that you must go through them to get a visa or gain acceptance to a U.S. school.

If you suspect an e-mail or website is unsafe, talk to your DSO or call the SEVP Response Center at 703-603-3400 before submitting any personal information.


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