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Questions from Designated School Officials: Is a contractor eligible to be a DSO?

November 4, 2013

Questions from Designated School Officials is a blog series on Study in the States for designated school officials (DSOs). Each month, we will answer a question that will help you advise your F and/or M students. If you are a DSO and would like to submit a question, you can email us or ask us via social media, your Field Representative or the SEVP Response Center. We may edit questions for clarity and consistency and may not feature all submissions on Study in the States.

Question: Is a contractor eligible to be a DSO?

Answer: A DSO must be a regularly employed member of the SEVP-certified school’s administration. Ultimately, a contractor is not a direct employee of the school; therefore, an owner, principal, or president of a school cannot hold a contractor responsible for that contractor’s actions. Because of this lack of accountability, a contractor cannot be a DSO (including a principal designated school official).  School officials may hire a third-party company (contractor) to complete tasks related to their international students.

Also, note that a DSO must be a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States. For more information on who can be a DSO, read this post.

If you have any questions about who is eligible to be a DSO for your school, contact the SEVP Response Center at 703-603-3400 or

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