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Young woman studying the humanities.

Celebrate National Arts and Humanities Month This October

October 21, 2013

October 2013 is National Arts and Humanities Month. According to the White House, arts and humanities are a central component to our country’s history and “open our minds and nourish our souls, helping us understand what it means to be human and what it means to be American.”

We often have articles for F students studying science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), but liberal arts programs are also important and fulfilling. Did you know that according to last year’s Open Doors Report, more than 41,000 F students enrolled in fine and applied arts in 2011-2012? Did you know that more than 16,000 students studied humanities? While students from around the world enroll in these U.S. programs, arts and humanities were more popular among students from certain countries. For example, the Open Doors Report also showed that 11.6 percent of Taiwanese students enrolled in fine and applied arts while 8.7 percent of German students studied humanities in the United States.

Whether you study English or one of the STEM subjects or you write theatrical plays or computer code, what brought you to the United States? What made you choose your program of study? Tell us on Facebook and Twitter.


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