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Students working on the U.S. - Indonesia Partnership Program Consortium.

IIE Leads U.S. and Indonesian Institutions in Developing Higher Education Consortium

July 22, 2013

The Institute of International Education has partnered with leaders from twelve higher education institutions in the United States and Indonesia to launch the U.S. - Indonesia Partnership Program (USIPP) Consortium – a private, bilateral initiative that brings together six U.S. and six Indonesian colleges and universities to collaborate on all forms of academic exchange. Initiatives include study abroad programs, research and student and faculty exchange. The partnership was announced in May at the annual NAFSA: Association of International Educators conference in St. Louis, Missouri.

Six U.S. universities are in the partnership:

  • Chatham University
  • Lehigh University
  • Miami Dade College
  • Northern Illinois University
  • University of Michigan
  • University of Washington

Indonesia has six members of the consortium:

  • Airlangga University
  • Bandung Institute of Technology
  • Bogor Agricultural Institute
  • Gadjah Mada University
  • The Indonesian Institute of the Arts – Yogyakarta
  • The University of Indonesia

The USIPP Consortium framework includes three main goals:

  • Develop future global leaders,
  • Promote research and innovative partnerships for the higher education community, and
  • Internationalize faculty members from both countries.

The USIPP Consortium has three goals:

  • Support the 2010 Obama/Yudhoyono U.S.- Indonesia Higher Education Partnership by increasing student mobility in both directions
  • Increase all academic collaboration between the United States and Indonesia
  • Facilitate mutually beneficial academic partnerships between the two countries

Particular focus areas of this bilateral partnership include undergraduate student mobility, graduate studies and faculty collaboration.

Are you an F or M student from Indonesia? Tell us how studying in the United States has changed your global perspective on Facebook or Twitter.

For more information, visit USIPP.


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