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Female students wearing caps and gowns at graduation.

F Students: Are You Prepared for the End of Your Program?

May 3, 2013

Please note: On May 10, 2016, DHS replaced the 17-month STEM OPT extension with a new 24-month STEM OPT extension. All existing 17-month STEM OPT EADs will remain valid until the EAD expires, is terminated or revoked. For more information about the new STEM OPT rule, please visit the STEM OPT Hub

If you are an F student about to finish your program of study, it is important to know your options once your program of study is complete:

Post-completion optional practical training (OPT)

  • Lasts for up to 12 months after you finish your program
  • Must relate to your major
  • Requires authorization from your designated school official (DSO) as well as adjudication from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
  • Learn more on our Working in the United States resource page

17-month extension

Application to another academic program of study

  • Talk to your DSO for more information on the application process

H-1B status

  • H-1B status is a possibility for graduates who can perform skills in a recognized specialty occupation
  • Requires a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree
  • Employer must apply on your behalf to USCIS

Departure from the United States or application for a change of status

  • Only options if your F status is due to expire and you are not pursuing any options listed above
  • Must occur within 60 days of your program end date if you are an F student and have maintained your status for your entire program of study

Contact USCIS to apply for a change of status. Talk to your DSO if you have questions about your options when your program ends, and, if possible, consider your plans in advance.

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