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Maintain your status on summer vacation.

Ask a DSO: How Should I Prepare for my Summer Vacation?

May 30, 2013

Designated school officials (DSOs) are school employees that are dedicated to helping F and M students at their school maintain their nonimmigrant status. “Ask a DSO” is a new series with advice from DSOs on the different situations F and M students may encounter and for which they need to be prepared.

Summer vacation is a great break from the stress of the academic year. If, as an F-1 student, you are eligible for vacation and travel only in the United States during your annual vacation, regulations do not impose any further restrictions. You may decide, though, that you want to travel outside of the United States. Before you leave the United States for your vacation, talk to your DSO about these important questions:

  • Are you eligible to take a summer vacation? Regulations allow an F student to take one vacation term per year, but you must be eligible.
  • What do you need to do to maintain your status while you are out of the United States?
  • Do you need to renew your passport?
  • What must you do if your F visa has expired?
  • What must you know if you are transferring to another school in the fall?
  • What must you know if you will begin a new program of study in the fall?
  • What must you know if you have an application for a nonimmigrant benefit pending with USCIS (e.g, employment authorization or change of status)?

Your DSO can also help you prepare for your return to the United States. When you arrive in the United States, you will go through entry inspections with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at the port of entry. You should hand-carry all of the following documents (the same documents you presented at your initial admission):

Preparing for this process can help you avoid being denied readmission or receiving a Form I-515A, “Notice to Student or Exchange Visitor.” If you do not have all of your necessary documents when you want to re-enter the United States, a CBP officer may do either – deny readmission or issue you a Form I-515A. If you receive the Form I-515A, meet with your DSO as soon as possible. You must respond within 30 days or your nonimmigrant status will end and you will need to leave the United States. Remember that DSOs are the best resource for an F student who has questions about maintaining nonimmigrant status. Talk with your DSO if you have any questions.


  • CFR 214.2(f)(1)
  • CFR 214.2(f)(5)(iii)
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