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Two kindergarten students study together.

Attending a K-12 School in the United States

February 25, 2013

In the United States, formal, compulsory education begins at about age five or six years and includes grades kindergarten (K) through grade 12 (i.e. elementary and secondary school).

A minor F-2 or M-2 dependent must attend school at the appropriate level for grades K – 12, and may attend either public or private school.

An F student (i.e., not a dependent) may attend a private school for grades K-12. An F student may attend public secondary school for up to one year. An M student may attend up to one year of public vocational secondary school.

You can learn more about the rules and requirements for studying as a student or dependent at a K-12 school in the United States on our K-12 resource page.

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