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Department of Education Tool Facilitates the College Search Process

September 27, 2012

The U.S. Department of Education has a new tool that both U.S. and international students can use when they research schools. If you want to study in the United States, you can use the College Navigator to help you decide which school is the best for you. According to the Department of Education, you can “find, organize, and keep track of the schools” in which you are most interested. If you want to be an F or M student, you can compare the schools you find on the College Navigator to the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP)-certified schools on the school search page.

The College Navigator can help you do the following:

  • Calculate cost: The College Navigator “estimates student expenses for each college, including tuition, books, supplies and room and board.” You and your parents can see a breakdown of expected costs and can even use a calculator to estimate how much it will cost to complete a program of study.
  • Graduation Rates: The College Navigator shows simple graphs so you can see the percentages of current students who graduate from that school.
  • Comparison: If you find schools you like, you can add them to your My Favorites tab and then export your results to a spreadsheet so you can better compare them.

The College Navigator includes an interactive map to show you exactly where in the United States you can find the school. You may also install a browser plug-in to make things even easier.


Top 5 Benefits of the College Navigator; Homeroom, the Official Blog of the U.S. Department of Education

The College Navigator

See also:

U.S. Department of Education

International Education Week: Celebrating the Benefits of International Education and Exchange

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