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University President Seeks to Bring More International Students to the United States

March 19, 2012

According to the Los Angeles Times,the University of Southern California (USC) has enrolled the most international students in the nation for the past ten years. USC’s Los Angeles (USCLA) campus continues to enroll the most foreign students of any college or university in the United States.

In a recent blog post for, USCLA campus President C. L. Max Nikias said this effort is deliberate. Nikias said, “My own university has made an intentional effort to become home to some 8,000 international students.” President Nikias wrote  in the article that he believes the primary reason the United States has kept its economic and technological importance in recent decades can be attributed to top international students introduced to American campuses.

The Institute of International Education (IIE) reports in the same Los Angeles Times articlethat the number of international students enrolled at American institutions of higher education in 2010 increased 5%, to 723,277 nationwide.


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