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High Costs Don’t Deter International Students

High Costs Don’t Deter International Students

March 9, 2012

Deciding to study in the United States can be an expensive undertaking, but according to James Madison University’s (JMU) student newspaper,The Breeze, it is well worth the cost. 

The article reports that JMU student Pamela Sanchez could have attended school in her home country of Ecuador at no cost but decided to study in the United States because of the “diverse student body” that she would be exposed to, something uncommon in Ecuador.

“For international business, you need to interact with different people,” Sanchez said. “In my country you can find that, but it’s not as diverse as here at JMU. I think the American system of having to pay for public university is better because the schools have more money to invest in facilities, and there are a lot more opportunities.”

In some cases, financial aid and scholarships are available for international students planning to study in the United States.





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