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University Research Corridor Works to Recruit International Students

February 17, 2012

The New Economy Initiative of Southeast Michigan has funded the University Research Corridor (URC) to support the launch of their Global Detroit International Student Retention Program. According to Bloomberg Businessweek, this program facilitates the “collaboration among the state’s universities and employers to recruit talent overseas.”

In a University of Michigan News Service article, URC Executive Director Jeff Mason said that this newly funded program “directly supports the URC's mission to transform, strengthen and diversify the state's economy. It also cooperatively links the URC with other college and university partners in Michigan to achieve this shared goal.”

The program coincides with Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s efforts to attract more international students to the state. He believes these students are crucial to economic recovery, according to Bloomberg Businessweek. Snyder’s plan focuses on attracting international students “that have advanced degrees, PhDs and master’s degrees in critical skill areas, or major entrepreneurs who have a background in capital who can come here and invest in our country.” As part of his efforts, he plans to increase promotion of the state to international students “and match employers to foreign students with training in science and engineering.”

Mason said that "Michigan's reinvention requires us to retain the best talent we can… regardless of whether those students hail from Michigan or come here to study in our great universities. By attracting and retaining the best and brightest, we can accelerate the pace of change to a high-tech, highly skilled knowledge-based economy.”



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