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More Student Diversity at Ohio State University

November 4, 2011

The Columbus Dispatch reported that universities in Ohio are making an effort to recruit a more diverse base of international students. In the past, Ohio State University (OSU), as well as others throughout the state, have primarily “focused on recruiting international students from China, India and South Korea because of their emerging economies,” however efforts are now focused on recruiting from “underrepresented parts of the world, including Latin America, the Middle East and Southeast Asia.”

According to the article, OSU has created “’global gateways,’ which are essentially mini embassies [around the world] to introduce Ohio State to other parts of the world.” OSU uses these gateways “for classes, alumni functions, international-student recruitment and study-abroad placement.” OSU currently operates a global gateway in Shanghai, China and more are scheduled to open in Brazil, Turkey, sub-Saharan Africa and Europe.

Universities in Ohio are not the only schools taking measures to attract a more geographically diverse group of international students. This trend can be seen across the United States.






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