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Alerts and Lists


Alerts and Lists

Last updated: January 23, 2023

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SEVIS provides designated school officials (DSOs) with various alerts and lists to monitor and manage student records:

  • Alerts show records that require timely DSO review and possible action. The links displayed on the Alerts page will vary. SEVIS only displays the link for an alert list, if at least one student is on the list. In many cases, SEVIS will change the status of a student record, if the DSO does not take action.
  • Student Lists show records that fit the criteria for a specific list. These lists do not necessarily need action by the DSO. SEVIS always displays links to all of the student lists, even if there are not any students on the list.

Long lists are hard to manage. SEVIS allows DSOs to change how SEVIS displays the records on any list by:

  • Changing the number of records displayed on the page.
  • Sorting the list by column.
  • Exporting the list for use outside SEVIS.

Each alert and student list has six important features. Some have a seventh. 

Active Students

  1. Instructional text – Tells DSOs to safeguard the information in the list. The information is For Official Use Only. DSOs must not share the list with people not authorized to use SEVIS.

  2.  Show ## entries field – Allows DSOs to change the number of records displayed on the page. By default, SEVIS displays 20 records. DSOs can use the drop-down to change the display to 10, 15, 20, 50, 100, 500, or 1,000.

  3. Sort-by-columns feature – Allows DSOs to sort the list in ascending or descending order by column.

  4. Hyperlinked surname feature – Allows DSOs to access a specific record, take any needed action, and return to the list.

  5. Export feature allows the DSO to:

  • Export the data to an Excel spreadsheet
  • Export the data as comma separated values for use in some other software application
  • Export the entire list as a PDF document
  • Print the entire list
  • Copy only the records displayed on the page to a clipboard for use in other software
Icon - Negative consequence

The exported document is for official use only specifically for the management of student records. It contains personally identifiable information which must be safeguarded.

Icon - Pay attention to an important point

SEVIS will export only the records you have displayed on the page.  Use the Show ## entries field to optimize the number of records isplayed before exporting the list.

6. The navigation feature allows the DSO to move to another page of this list.

  7. The registration eligibility indicators only display on lists that contain the “Eligible for Registration” column.

  • The green check mark indicates the student is eligible for registration.
  • The red X indicates the student is not eligible for registration. Rolling the cursor over the X displays the reason(s) a student is not eligible for registration in SEVIS. 

Note: Exported lists will include the reason(s) for ineligibility, not the icon.

To access an alert list:

  1. Go to the Listing of Schools page.
Alert List New

2. Click the Alerts tab. The Alerts page opens.

Icon - Pay attention to an important point

SEVIS will not display any Alerts that have no students on them.

  3. Click on the hyperlinked name of the Alert you want to access.

Alert Description
Accrued Unemployment Days for Students on Approved OPT or STEM
  • Lists students on active post-completion OPT or STEM OPT with at least one day of unemployment.
  • Shows if the student is employed, as of the date and time the list was generated.
  • DSOs should closely monitor this list to follow up with students with high levels of unemployment and to remind students to keep employment information up to date, either by self-reporting employer information in the SEVP Portal or asking the DSO to enter their changes in SEVIS.
Active Students Requiring Registration
  • This alert lists the students scheduled to begin a new term or session. The DSO must verify their continued enrollment at the school. Records are included in the list if:
    • The status of the record in SEVIS is Active
    • The Next Session Start Date (entered by the DSO during the last registration event) is in the past
  • DSOs must take one of the following actions or SEVIS will terminate the student records for “Failure to Enroll:”
  • Register the record if the student is properly enrolled or has an authorized reduced course load 
  • Terminate the record
Active Students Requiring Status Verification
  •  This alert lists the students in Active status who meet these three criteria:
    • SEVIS records have not been updated in six months.
    • Program end date is today or in the future. 
    • Current session end date is within six months of today.
  • Students will remain in this list until one of these events occurs:
    • Program end date passes
    • Change is made to their record  
    • A DSO verifies the student’s status using the Verify Status link on the Student Information page. 

Note: The Verify Status link appears on Active records in the Student Information page that have not been updated in six months, regardless of program end date. Therefore, students on post-completion or STEM OPT may have a Verify Status link but will not appear on the Active Students Requiring Status Verification alert list. 

Dependent Children Within 90 Days of 21st Birthday
  • This alert lists the F-2 or M-2 children who will no longer be eligible for F-2 or M-2 status because they will turn 21 years old within 90 days. SEVIS will terminate their record the day after their 21st birthday. 
Draft Student Eligibility Records – Over 15 Days Old
  • This alert lists records in Draft status that have not been touched in 15 days. SEVIS will delete these records if they remain untouched for 45 days.
F-1 Students Within 30 Days of OPT End Date
  • This alert lists students whose optional practical training ends within 30 days. For students on F-1 post-completion OPT or STEM OPT, and students on M-1 practical training, this alert also serves as notice to DSOs. SEVIS will complete records:
    • 30 days after practical training ends for M-1 students
    • 60 days after OPT ends for F-1 students
PDSO/DSO Users Who Have Not Logged In to SEVIS in 30 Days
  • This alert lists the PDSOs and DSOs who have not logged into SEVIS for 30 days. SEVIS will inactivate a user ID if the official does not log into SEVIS for 45 days. 
Service Center Adjudication Results
  • This alert lists students for whom the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service has made a decision on an application filed with them:
    • OPT
    • Off-Campus Employment
    • M-1 Transfer
    • M-1 Extension 
    • Change of Status requests. 
  • SEVIS includes the record on the list for 30 days after the Service Center decision date. 
Students in Initial Status with Port of Entry Records
  • This alert lists students who have entered the United States and who have not yet been registered in SEVIS by a DSO. SEVIS will terminate these records for failure to register (No Show) if the DSO does not take one of the following actions:
    • Register the record if the student is properly enrolled or has an authorized reduced course load
Students Past Program Start Date Awaiting Change of Status
  • Lists students in Initial status who are past their Program Start Date and have one of the following:
    • Pending change of status request.
    • Issue reason of “Initial Attendance - Change of Status Requested” and no CLAIMS change of status request.
  • SEVIS will cancel the record 60 days after the Program Start Date, if the DSO does not:
    • Register the record, if the student is properly enrolled or has an authorized reduced course load 
    • Defer the program, because the change of status has not yet been approved. 
Note: The Manage Initial Program and Session Dates section provides more detail.
Students Requiring OPT Reporting [STEM OPT Validation Alert]
  • Lists students on active STEM OPT whose DSOs have not yet reported in SEVIS receipt of the student’s 6 and 18 month validation reports. 
  • Student on active STEM OPT must report participation in the OPT every six months from the employment start date. 
  • SEVIS automatically terminates the record with the reason of “Failure to Report While on OPT,” if the DSO does not validate the record.
Students Requiring STEM OPT Form I 983 Upload
  • Lists students with recommended, pending, or active STEM OPT whose records lack an uploaded Form I 983 after:
    • STEM OPT has been recommended.
    • STEM OPT employer is added to the record.
    • 12-month self-evaluation is recorded in SEVIS.
    • 24-month or final evaluation is recorded in SEVIS.
  • Students are removed from this list after all necessary Forms I 983 are uploaded.

Note: A student may be listed on this alert several times, if the student has more than one STEM OPT employer and/or if there is more than one event that may require the upload of a Form I 983 for a specific employer.

Note for users of batch processing systems: If a batch upload to SEVIS contains any of the actions listed above, SEVIS must process the batch before the student will appear on the alert list.

Students on OPT Without Employer Information
  • Lists students on active STEM OPT without Employer Information whose DSOs have not yet reported in SEVIS receipt of the student’s 6 and 18 month validation report.
  • Student on active STEM OPT without Employer Information must report participation in the OPT every six months from the employment start date.
  • SEVIS automatically terminates the record with the reason of “Failure to Report While on OPT,” if the DSO does not validate the record.
Students Terminated Due to Change of Status Approved
  • Lists students for whom USCIS has formally changed their nonimmigrant status out of F or M to another immigration classification. 
  • SEVIS terminates these students for “Change of Status Approved.” 
  • SEVIS includes the record on the list for 30 days after the Service Center decision date.
Students Terminated Due to Change of Status Denied
  • Lists students for whom USCIS has Denied a change of status to F or M status from another immigration classification. 
  • SEVIS terminates these students for “Change of Status Denied.” 
  • SEVIS includes the record on the list for 30 days after the Service Center decision date.
Students With Pending Change of Status Requests
  • Lists students for whom USCIS has a pending application to change formally their nonimmigrant status from another nonimmigrant status to F or M classification. 
  • DSOs should closely monitor this list and defer the program start dates of any student who may not receive a decision before their Program Start Date.
Students With Requests in Requested Status Over 90 Days
  • Lists students who have an application pending with USCIS for more than 90 days. 
Students Within 45 Days of Cancelation
  • Lists records in Initial status that SEVIS will cancel within the next 45 days, if an action is not taken on their record.
Students Within 45 Days of Program End Date
Students Within 45 Days of Termination
  • Lists students who will be terminated by SEVIS within the next 45 days, if an action is not taken on their record.
Students Within 60 Days of Off-Campus Employment End Date
  • Lists students in active status with current, authorized off campus employment that will end within 60 days.
Students Without Valid U.S. Addresses
  • Lists students with an:
    • Unvalidated address.
    • Address that is only city/state/zip code validated.
  • DSOs are not expected to correct addresses that SEVIS failed to validate.
Terminated Students Nearing Their Reinstatement Deadline
  • Lists records terminated between 90 to 150 days ago. 
  • Student may apply for reinstatement at any point, but after 150 days, the student must:
    • Overcome a presumed ineligibility.
    • Explain why the reinstatement request was not filed in a timely manner.
Transfer-In Students Not Registered By Program Start Date
  • Lists students whose:
    • Transfer-in COE has been created.
    • Program Start Date is in the past.
    • Registration at the school has not been submitted.
  • SEVIS will terminate these records as “Transfer Student No Show,” if the DSO takes no action.

To access a student list:

1. Go to the Listing of Schools page.

Listing of Schools

  2. Click the Student Lists tab. The Student Lists page opens.

Student Lists

  3. Click on the hyperlinked name of the student list you want to access.

Student List
(in SEVIS order of appearance)
Student Listing
  • Lists all students for the selected school, regardless of their status.

Draft Students

  • Lists all student records that have been saved, but not submitted. 
  • Lists includes transfer-in records that have not had an initial Form I-20 submitted.
  • PDSO or DSO may review, edit, and submit the records to SEVIS. 
Initial Status Students
  • Lists all students whose status in SEVIS is Initial. 
  • Student’s record has been created, but the DSO has not yet registered the student in SEVIS.
Active Status Students    
  • Lists all students whose status in SEVIS is Active. 
  • Student has registered and is enrolled in class, or is on active post-completion OPT.
  • Student is considered to be “in status.”
Terminated Status Students (past 18 months)
  • Lists all students whose record was terminated by a DHS official or a DSO for a specified cause, other than completion of his/her academic program. For example, the student died or was expelled.
Note: This list only includes students whose status has been changed to Terminated in the last 18 months.
Completed Status Students 
(past 18 months)
  • Lists all students who have completed their course of study and any approved OPT and will not continue studies at another school.
Note: This list only includes students whose status has been changed to Completed in the last 18 months.
Canceled Status Students 
(past 18 months)
  • Lists all records in Initial status who:
    • Lack port of entry information on their records.
    • Are at least 60 days past the Program Start Date.
    • Have not been registered by a DSO. 
    • Have been canceled by SEVIS or by a DSO
Note: This list only includes students whose status has been changed to Canceled in the last 18 months.
Students with Requested, Pending, or Approved Off-Campus Employment
  • Lists students in Active status who also have on their record a request for off-campus employment in Requested, Pending, or Approved status. 
  • Students remain on this list from the time that the off-campus employment is requested until the end date of the employment, if approved.
Students with Requested, Pending, or Approved Optional Practical Training (OPT)    
  • Students in Active status who also have on their record an OPT request in Requested, Pending, or Approved status. 
  • Students will remain on this list from the time that the OPT is requested until the end date of the employment, if approved.
Students with Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
  • Lists students in Active status who also have on their record a request for curricular practical training (CPT). 
  • Students will remain on this list from the time that the CPT is requested until the end date of the employment.
Students with a Pending Change of Status Request
  • Lists students who are requesting a change of status through the Service Center.
Students with a Requested or Pending Extension Request
  • Lists Active M-1 students who have a Requested or Pending extension request.
Students Authorized to Drop Below Full Course
  • Lists Active students who are currently approved to drop below a full course of study.
Students Transferring In
  • Lists SEVIS records transferred to your school by another school.
Note: These records are partially completed. They contain the students’ biographic and contact information. DSOs can update the records based on the students’ new program information at your school.
Students Transferring Out
  • Lists students whose SEVIS records have been or will be sent to another school. 
Students Requesting Reinstatement
  • Lists students who have requested reinstatement at the school, and whose reinstatement requests are pending.

Note: The PDSO or DSO that submitted the reinstatement request will receive email notification of the reinstatement adjudication results.

View and Manage Correction Requests
  • Opens View and Manage Correction Requests page.
Students with a Filed or Waitlisted Cap-Gap Extension
  • Lists students who have a filed or waitlisted Cap-Gap Extension.
Students with Post-completion or STEM OPT - Portal Account Status
  • Lists all students on post-completion and/or STEM OPT and their SEVP Portal account status.

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Try the Facebook Chatbot

Visit the tool on the Study in the States Facebook page to learn how to become an F or M international student in the United States.

Summer Employment

Learn About Summer Employment

While employed this summer, make sure you have all the relevant information on maintaining your student status, and the steps you must take before returning to school. 

Icon Guide

See the SEVIS Help Icons on the SEVIS Help Hub for a quick-reference of the icons used in this user guide.

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