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Update User Profile

Students must log in to the SEVP Portal to update their profile information. By default, after accepting the attestation, the portal opens to the Edit Profile page. The information on this page displays the data as it is captured in the student’s SEVIS record and includes four parts:

  • Read-only biographic information.
  • Editable physical address.
  • Editable mailing address.
  • Editable telephone number.

Remember to click save after updating any information. For step-by-step instructions on how to perform the below actions, and to see screenshots of what to expect, please download and refer to the SEVP Portal User Guide and the SEVP Portal Videos.

Biographic Information

The portal displays the student’s name and date of birth as they are in SEVIS. SEVP Portal users cannot edit these fields. Students should contact their DSO if their name or date of birth is incorrect.

Physical Address

This section displays the address where the student lives.

SEVP Portal users can edit this information:

  • Address 1; the house number and street name.
  • Address 2; the apartment building name/unit number—this field may be left blank.
  • City.
  • State.
  • Zip Code.

If a user’s physical address differs from their mailing address, they should click the “Add Mailing Address” checkbox to add a mailing address that is different from the physical address. If this mailing address is a post office box, click the “P.O. Box” checkbox.

Mailing Address

This section displays any mailing address already in SEVIS.

SEVP Portal users can add or edit this information:

  • Address, this can be a post office (P.O.) box.
  • City.
  • State.
  • Zip Code.

Tips for Entering Addresses

The portal will verify if the physical and mailing addresses are valid. The system will not save any address it cannot verify.

Here are a few tips to help users enter the correct addresses in the system:

  • Enter the street address in the first line.
  • Abbreviate the street.
  • Do not put periods after the abbreviations.


  • 126 North Wayne Street should be entered as 126 N Wayne St
  • Fort Washington, Maryland becomes Ft Washington, MD
  • 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW should be entered as 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW

For more information about Address Validation, visit the Navigate the SEVP Portal page.

Phone Number

This section displays any telephone numbers already in SEVIS.

Users can add or edit this information:

  • U.S. telephone number, including area code.
  • Foreign telephone number, including the country code and corresponding telephone.

Changes to Email Address

Students cannot change their email address in the SEVP Portal. If a student’s email address changes, students must give the new email address to their DSO, who can enter it in SEVIS. The new email address will be automatically sent to the portal.

Then, the portal will send the student an email to verify their email address. Students must click on the link in the email to complete the verification and have the email address updated in their user profile.

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