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DSO reads instructions to transfer student records

DSOs: Visit these Resources for Transferring Student Records

March 5, 2019

If your F-1 students will graduate this semester and plan to continue their education at a different Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP)-certified school, as a designated school official (DSO), you are responsible for transferring student records in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS).

Visit these resources for useful information and instructions on how to:

Remind your students to keep track of when their visa expires and renew their visa as needed so that the transfer process to their new SEVP-certified school is as smooth as possible.

When transferring student records at any education level, it’s important to make sure that a student receives their Form I-20, “Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status,” for their new SEVP-certified school if they plan to leave the country for the summer.

An M-1 student may only transfer programs within the first six months of arriving in the United States. Visit the Manage Transfer of M-1 SEVIS Record page on the SEVIS Help Hub for instructions to transfer M-1 student records.

For more detailed information and step-by-step guides on transferring records in SEVIS, visit the Transfers page on the SEVIS Help Hub.

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